1. This text belongs to = The Master As I Saw Him.
2. This text has been written by = Sister Nivedita.
3. The real name of Nivedita is = Margaret Elizabeth Noble.
4. Nivedita’s nationality was = Irish.
5. Nivedita first met Vivekananda in = 1895 in London.
6. Nivedita came in Kolkata in = 1898.
7. The name Nivedita was given by = Vivekananda.
8. Nivedita means = Dedicated to God.
9. Vivekananda was born on = 12/01/1963.
10. Real name of Vivekananda was = Narendranath Dutta.
11. Which day is celebrated on Vivekananda’s birthday? = National Youth Day (12th Jan).
12. Vivekananda’s father was = Vishwanath Dutta.
13. His mother was = Bhuvaneshwari Devi.
14. Vivekananda delivered his speech in Chicago on = 11/09/1893.
15. Vivekananda died on = 04/07/1902.
16. This text is a = Spiritual Travelogue.
17. This text was published in = 1910.
18. Where did Swami Vivekananda announce his intention to go to Amarnath? = At the Mogul Gardens in Achhabal.
19. Where is Mogul Garden situated? = in Achhabal.
20. Where is Achhabal? = It is a town in Anantanag District in J & K.
21. Swami would go to Amarnath with = Pilgrims.
22. Whom did Swami consider his daughter? = Sister Nivedita.
23. The feeling of party when Swami declared to go to Amarnath was = Delighted congratulation.
24. Who was the state officer in charge of journey? = Tehsildar.
25. At that time, Kashmir was full of = Pilgrims.
26. Where did the party return for final arrangements for the pilgrimage? = to boats at Islamabad.
27. How many people would encamp in the field? = two or three thousand people.
28. They all left the place before = dawn.
29. What was notable about the camps of the pilgrims? = They left no trace of their occupation.
30. The pilgrims left only ____________ where the placed their camp. = ashes of cooking fire.
31. What did the pilgrims carry with them? = A bazaar.
32. At each halting place, they pitched tents with = incredible rapidity.
33. Their ability to set up tents was = instinctive.
34. From the tent bazaar, one could buy = dried fruits, milk, dahls and rice.
35. Where were the tents of the Tehsildar and Swami Vivekananda generally placed? = Near a spot advantageous for lighting an evening fire.
36. The tents around the tent of Swami all together form a = social centre.
37. What kind of tents did the monks have? = Gerrua tents, some no larger than a good-sized umbrella.
38. Swamiji’s influence appeared to the pilgrims to be = Magnetic.
39. Who gathered around Swami at every halting place? = The more learned men.
40. The pilgrims absorbed in conversation with Swami through out = the hours of day light.
41. Swami insisted everyone on drawing their attention to = world (Earthly Pleasure).
42. Many of the pilgrims could not understand Swami’s warmth love for = Muslim / Mohammedan.
43. What topic dominated the conversations Swami Vivekananda had with the monks? = Siva.
44. What did Swami Vivekananda and the monks discuss during the pilgrimage? = Siva and spiritual matters.
45. What element of the pilgrimage did Swami Vivekananda emphasize to the monks? = Practicality and engagement with the world.
46. How did the Tehsildar and other officers view their involvement in the pilgrimage? = They felt included and even participated in the rituals.
47. Apparently, Hindu and Muslims were = Rival elements.
48. The soil of Punjaub was drenched with = blood who died for faith.
49. The religion of Tehsildar was = Muslim.
50. What did the Tehsildar and his group request from Swami Vivekananda? = Formal acceptance as disciples.
51. When Tehsildar and his friends being Muslim, accepted Swami was disciples, no one seemed to find = anything incongruous or surprising.
52. How did the Tehsildar and other officers participate in the pilgrimage? = They actively engaged and even entered the Cave with Hindu worshippers.
53. What was the reaction of the other pilgrims to the involvement of Mussulman officers in the pilgrimage? = They accepted it without surprise.
54. Leaving Islamabad, they met the pilgrimage and camped with it at = Pawan.
55. Pawan was famous for = holy springs.
56. The water in the tank in Pawan was = black in colour.
57. What reflected in the water of Tank in Pawan in the evening? = Brilliance of lights.
58. Pehlgam is known as = village of the shepherds.
59. They camped in Pehlgam for a day to = keep ekadasi.
60. The bed of the mountain stream was = pebble-worn/ full of pebble.
61. What was the physical setting of the village of Pahlgam? = A beautiful little ravine with sandy islands and dark pine trees.
62. The mountain slopes at Pehlgam were covered with = dark pine trees.
63. At Pehlgam, one could see at the head of mountain during sunset = the moon, not full in size.
64. The scenery of Pehlgam seemed like the scenery of = Switzerland or Norway at their gentlest and loveliest.
65. The beauty of Pehlgam was = indescribable.
66. How did the pilgrims cross the frozen river? = By walking over the ice.
67. At Pehlgam, they could see the last sign of human dwelling like = a bridge, farm house, ploughed fields, a few seater-huts.
68. What did the pilgrims use as fuel for the great campfire when they passed the snow-line? = Juniper.
69. After the great campfire, servants had to wander many miles to = search for scanty fuel.
70. When the regular pathway came to an end, they had to walk or scramble up and down on the = goat-path.
71. Near the Amarnath Cave, the snow covered peak of mountain was covered with = newly-fallen white snow.
72. ‘White-veil’ means = snow-covered.
73. When the peasants saw ice-lingam in Amarnath Cave, they believed that = as if the God himself was waiting for them.
74. What natural feature did the pilgrims encounter at the end of the regular pathway? = Steep declivities with goat-paths.
75. What did the purity and whiteness of the ice-lingam symbolize for Swami Vivekananda? = The divine presence of Siva.
76. What did the fluttering of pigeons inside the Cave of Amarnath represent? = Serenity (নির্মলতা) and spirituality.
77. What did the Swami think about the simplicity of Amarnath compared to other religious sites? = He appreciated its simplicity and closeness to nature.
78. Before entering the Amarnath cave, Swamiji observed the rituals like = telling the beads, keeping fasting and bathing in ice-cold water in five streams.
79. How did Swami Vivekananda react upon entering the Cave of Amarnath? = He silently knelt and prostrated and withdrew.
80. What did Swami Vivekananda see in the Cave of Amarnath that profoundly affected him? = The great ice-lingam.
81. Why did Swamiji not stay in the cave for long time? = he was afraid lest emotion might overcome him.
82. What did Swami Vivekananda claim to have received from Siva? = The gift of Amar (immortality).
83. From the very childhood, Swamiji had a wish to = to die in a Siva temple amongst the mountains.
84. Outside the cave, there was no exploitation of = Brahmin/ Panda.
85. What festival culminates (ends) the pilgrimage to Amarnath? = Rakhibandhan.
86. During Rakhibandhan, everyone’s wrist was tied with = red and yellow threads.
87. Red and Yellow threads were token of = sacrament.
88. What was the significance of tying the Rakhibandhan thread for the pilgrims? = It symbolized a spiritual sacrament.
89. Before returning, they rested and had meal sitting on = some high boulders beside the stream.
90. According to Swami’s imagination, first Amarnath cave was discovered by = a party of shepherds.
91. The cavern/ big cave of Amarnath revealed the secret of = Kailas.
92. Swami would cherish the memory of Amarnath Cave = for the rest of his life.
93. What was the significance of the ice-lingam in the Cave of Amarnath? = It represented the presence of a deity (God).
94. How did the Swami describe the Cave of Amarnath to the pilgrims? = As a revelation of Siva’s presence.
95. What was Sister Nivedita’s role during the pilgrimage? = She documented the journey and provided insights.
96. How did the Swami manage the cultural and religious diversity of the pilgrims? = By promoting inclusiveness and unity.
97. What did the Swami say to the monks about the distinction between Swadesh and bidesh? = He encouraged breaking down such distinctions.
98. What did the Swami feel when he first saw the ice-lingam? = Awe (বিস্ময়) and reverence (শ্রদ্ধা).
99. How did the Swami view the relationship between spirituality and nature? = He felt a deep connection between the two.