Wednesday, May 17, 2023

MCQ on She Dwelt Among The Untrodden Ways by William Wordsworth. MCQ on Lucy Poems. LCC 2

1. The writer of this poem is:

a. Keats

b. Wordsworth

c. Shakespeare

d. Milton

2. This poem belongs to?

a. Lucy Poems

b. Lyrical Ballads

c. Poem Collection

d. Best of Wordsworth

3. Wordsworth wrote Lucy Poems total:

a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 10

4. Lucy Poems were written between 

a. 1798-1801.

b. 1801-1803

c. 1811-1814

d. 1814-1817

5. This poem was addressed to:

a. Poet

b. Readers

c. God

d. Lucy

6. Who was Lucy:

a. Goddess of Poetry

b. Imaginary girl whom poet loved

c. Poet’s sister Dorothy

d. both b & c.

7. How many stanzas are there in this poem?:

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

8. The first stanza of the poem describes:

a. Growth of Lucy’s life

b. Beauty of poet’s beloved Lucy

c. Death of Lucy

d. God

9. The second stanza of the poem describes:

a. Growth of Lucy’s life

b. Beauty of poet’s beloved Lucy

c. Death of Lucy

d. God

10. The third stanza of the poem describes:

a. Growth of Lucy’s life

b. Beauty of poet’s beloved Lucy

c. Death of Lucy

d. God

11. “Untrodden ways” means:

a. place full of crowd

b. well-visited place

c. beside the wood

d. place where no man visits

12. Lucy’s house is located beside the:

a. Spring of Dove

b. Spring of Mountain

c. River Nile

d. River Thames

13. Lucy was a:

a. widow

b. maiden girl/ maid

c. married girl

d. child

14. The number of people who loved Lucy was:

a. many

b. thousands

c. hundreds

d. very few

15. Lucy is compared to the flower:

a. Violet

b. Rose

c. Tulip

d. sunflower 

16. “—Fair as a star”—the ‘star’ refers to:

a. Sun

b. Venus (goddess of Love)

c. moon

d. mars 

17. Lucy is compared to a star in respect of:

a. fairness

b. darkness

c. size

d. hot

18. The number of people who knew Lucy’s death:

a. None

b. few

c. many

d. everyone

19. After death, Lucy is in:

a. Grave

b. Heaven

c. Sea

d. River

20. After Lucy’s death, poet William Wordsworth felt:

a. No difference

b. no feelings

c. Happiness

d. difference.














































Tuesday, May 16, 2023

MCQ on Prayer Before Birth By Louis MacNeice. LCC 2. Kalyani University

1. The writer of this poem is:

a. William Wordsworth

b. William Shakespeare

c. Louis MacNeice

d. John Milton

2. This poem was written during:

a. World War I

b. World War II

c. Cold War

d. Ind-Pak War

3. This poem was published in:

a. Poem Collection

b. Collected Poems

c. Best of MacNeice

d. Springboard

4. This poem was published in: 

a. 1944.

b. 1945

c. 1900

d. 1901

5. Here in this poem, the speaker is:

a. an unborn child

b. the poet

c. reader

d. no one

6. The unborn child prays to:

a. Poet

b. Readers

c. God

d. Poem

7. The unborn child wants to stay away from:

a. bloodsucking bat

b. rat

c. stoat

d. above all

8. The unborn child fears that human race may:

a. kill him

b. separate him with wall (caste system)

c. kill his parents

d. suck his blood

9. Human race may dope/ control the child with:

a. lies

b. strong drugs.

c. food

d. blood

10. The people will lure the child after his birth with:

a. lies.

b. strong drugs

c. food

d. blood

11. Human beings will bath the child after his birth with:

a. blood

b. water

c. wet mud

d. air

12. The child wants trees to:

a. Dandle

b. Talk.

c. Sing

d. Play

13. The child wants the sky and birds to:

a. Dandle

b. Talk

c. Sing.

d. Play

14. The Child wants a white light to:

a. Enlighten his back of mind to guide him.

b. Talk

c. Sing

d. Play

15. The unborn child asks for advance forgiveness for:

a. the crime he will have to do by the force of world

b. his taking birth

c. his father

d. his mother

16. Traitors will force him to do:

a. murder

b. offence

c. stealing

d. treason/ treachery.

17. The unborn child wants to rehearse him for:

a. his act of murder

b. his lecture

c. his act he will play after taking birth.

d. his lies

18. The unborn child knows that after his birth, the old men will :

a. lecture him.

b. hector him

c. kill him

d. beat him

19. The unborn child knows that after his birth, the bureaucrats will :

a. lecture him

b. hector him.

c. kill him

d. beat him

20. The unborn child knows that after his birth, the mountain will :

a. lecture him

b. hector him

c. kill him

d. frown at him.

21. The unborn child knows that after his birth, the lover will :

a. laugh at him.

b. hector him

c. kill him

d. beat him

22. The unborn child knows that after his birth, white waves will call him to :

a. folly.

b. be treacherous

c. kill men

d. hate men

23. The unborn child knows that after his birth, desert will call him to :

a. folly

b. be treacherous

c. doom.

d. hate men

24. The unborn child knows that after his birth, the beggar will :

a. refuse his help.

b. scold him

c. curse him

d. hate him

25. The unborn child knows that after his birth, his children will :

a. refuse his help

b. scold him

c. curse him.

d. hate him

26. The unborn child wants the man who thinks himself God:

a. to keep away.

b. to keep near

c. to worship him

d. none of above

27. The unborn child wants to fill himself with:

a. fear

b. love 

c. strength.

d. happiness

28. The unborn child wants strength against men who will:

a. take him to war

b. hate him

c. help him

d. none of above

29. Machine with one face refers to:

a. car

b. gun

c. robot

d. generator

30. Warmongers will blow his entirety like:

a. bomb

b. water held in hands

c. thistledown

d. both a & b.

31. The last wish of the unborn child was not to:

a. make him stone

b. spill him

c. if above of the two, kill him

d. above all.

32. If the wish of the unborn child is not fulfilled, he wants himself :

a. to be killed

b. to move another world

c. to exile 

d. none of above




































































MCQ on Sonnet 19: When I consider how my light is spent by John Milton. LCC 2

1. The writer of this poem is:

a. William Shakespeare

b. John Milton

c. Wordsworth

d. Keats

2. Milton wrote total sonnets:

a. 22

b. 23

c. 19

d. 24.

3. The number of this sonnet is:

a. 22

b. 23

c. 19

d. 24

4. John Milton was a poet of:

a. Italy

b. France

c. England

d. Switzerland 

5. Here the word ‘light’ refers to:

a. sunlight

b. lamp light

c. electric light

d. eyesight

6. After losing his light/ eyesight, the world seems to the poet:

a. cruel

b. dark

c. wide

d. both d & c.

7. The word ‘one Talent’ refers to:

a. God gifted power to write poetry

b. God

c. gift

d. none of above

8. According to Bible (Parable of Talents), ‘Talent’ refers to:

a. Money or wealth

b. Gift

c. Power

d. none of above.

9. The world seemed dark to John Milton because:

a. He was sad

b. it was night

c. he lost his eyesight

d. world was cruel

10. According to the poet, God gifted Talent is ___________  to hide:

a. power

b. wealth

c. money

d. death

11. God gifted talent is lodged with the poet:

a. used

b. useless

c. energetically

d. none

12. Poet’s soul is eager to:

a. earn money

b. serve his Maker/ God

c. read Bible

d. go to heaven

13. “…… serve therewith my Maker”—Here ‘Maker’ refers to:

a. God

b. Bible

c. Readers

d. God’s messenger

14. The poet presents his true account in front of :

a. God

b. Bible

c. Readers

d. God’s messenger

15. The poet wants to present his true account in front of God because :

a. God may chide/ scold him

b. God may kill him

c. he may forget to write poetry

d. None of above

16. “Light denied” means:

a. no sun light during night

b. wind blows away lamp

c. blindness of poet

d. no power to write poetry

17. Who rescues the poet during his mind’s dilemma?:

a. God

b. Readers

c. Poetry

d. His patience

18. According to patience, God does not need poet’s service or God’s gift because:

a. God has thousands of men

b. God is angry with poet

c. God lost his hope

d. None

19. According to Patience, the best server of God is he who:

a. writes poetry

b. bears His mild yoke / duty

c. works in home

d. none

20. “His state is Kingly”—Whose state is referred to here?

a. Poet’s

b. Reader’s

c. King’s

d. God’s

21. God’s state is mentioned in the poem as:

a. Kingly

b. Poor

c. Helpful

d. Hateful

22. Thousands of God’s server are waiting to run over:

a. sky

b. land

c. ocean

d. land and ocean

23. Who are waiting to serve the God are also:

a. the server of God

b. not the server of God

c. cruel to God

d. the God

24. The word ‘Yoke’ refers to:

a. duties to God

b. duties to plough

c. power

d. wealth

25. Which Biblical context is mentioned her?:

a. Parable of Talents

b. The last supper

c. crucifixion 

d. birth of Jesus 



Wednesday, May 3, 2023


1. The writer of this poem is:

a. Toru Dutt

b. Kamala Das

c. Jayanta Mahapatra 

d. Derozio

2. Who is presented as 'I' in this poem?

a. Toru Dutt

b. Kamala Das

c. Jayanta Mahapatra 

d. Derozio 

3. The skin colour of the writer was:

a. Fair

b. Dark

c. Yellow 

d. Brown

4. Kamala Das does not know 

a. Politics 

b. Politician 

c. English 

d. dressing 

5. Writer Kamal Das was born in:

a. Kolkata

b. Mumbai

c. Bengaluru 

d. Malabar

6. Writer could speak in

a. 2 languages 

b. 3 languages .

c. 4 languages 

d. One language 

7. Writer Kamala Das could write in:

a. 2 languages.

b. 3 languages

c. 4 languages 

d. One language 

8. Writer Kamala Das could dream in:

a. 2 languages.

b. 3 languages

c. 4 languages 

d. One language.

9. Other people ordered Kamala Das not to write in:

a. Bengali 

b. English 

c. Hindi

d. Tamil

10. Mother tongue of Kamala Das was:

a. Tamil

b. English 

c. Hindi

d. Malayalam.

11. Kamala Das wrote under the pen-name:

a. Amy

b. Madhavikutty

c. Toru

d. Madhavi

12. Kamala Das wished to speak in:

a. Hindi

b. English

c. Malayalam

d. Any Language he liked.

13. Kamala Das’ spoken language is:

a. Not honest

b. Honest

c. Artificial

d. none of above

14. The speech of tree, rain or cloud was:

a. melodious

b. monotonous

c. deaf and blind.

d. loud

15. The muttering beside the blazing funeral pyre was:

a. melodious

b. incoherent

c. deaf and blind

d. loud

16. The lady was forced to get married at the age of:

a. 15

b. 16.

c. 17

d. 18

17. At the age of 16, she asked for:

a. love

b. food

c. shelter

d. education

18. Others declared that poetess grew enough old for marriage when:

a. she became tall

b. her limbs swelled

c. hair grew on one or two body places

d. above all

19. The poetess got crushed with the weight of:

a. Sorrow

b. Head

c. abuse of others

d. breast and womb

20. The weight of breast and womb crushed her when:

a. she ate a lot

b. she got pregnant

c. she was ill

d. none of above

21. Who took the poetess into the bedroom?-

a. critic

b. cousin

c. her husband

d. friend

22. She wore brother’s dress, cut hair to:

a. be happy

b. be strong

c. get money

d. ignore her womanliness.

23. Every woman seeks in man:

a. good dressing

b. good health

c. money

d. love.

24. The man is compared to:

a. hungry haste of river.

b. ocean’s tireless waiting

c. Stone

d. sparkle of stream

25. Poetess compared herself to:

a. hungry haste of river

b. ocean’s tireless waiting.

c. Stone

d. sparkle of stream

26. Every man described himself as:

a. ‘I’

b. lover

c. beloved

d. master

27. At the very end of the poem, the poetess called herself:

a. ‘I’

b. lover

c. beloved

d. master

28. Man protects himself like:

a. a fortress

b. a vault

c. a sword in sheath

d. none of above

29. Others forbade poetess to play the role of:

a. Nympho

b. Clever

c. fool

d. Dull

30. Who declared himself a saint:

a. Everyman

b. Every woman

c. Critic

d. Cousin

31. Kamala Das converted herself to Islam and took the name 

a. Kamala Surayya.

b. Kamala Yasmin

c. Yasmin Sultana

d. Kamala Khatun