Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Write a letter to your friend about your planning for summer vacation.

Arpita Kundu
C/O- Asim Kundu
Santipur, Nadia

My dear Madhu,

I have not heard anything from you for a long time. Hope you are all well. We are also well. Today I am going to inform you about my planning in upcoming summer vacation.

You know that our summer vacation will start from 15th of May. So, we are going to get a lot of free time during that period and I have decided to utilize that time for a noble work. You know that most of the people of our village are illiterate. They do not know how to read and how to write. Even so many people can not write signature of their own. Being a conscious person of the society, it is my moral duty to do something good for them. So, I along with my few local friends have take decision to a start a free day-school in our village though it will be after completing our every day’s study. Even we have decided to make campaign to let everyone inform about the importance of education. I think this duty will help us to repay our debt partly to the society.

No more today. I earnestly request you to take park in our mission.
Yours ever,

Madhu Sen
C/O- Raja Sen
Purba Bardhaman

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