Monday, October 21, 2019

Significance of the doll's house.

Answers:         The whole story of the Short story Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield, deals with a doll's house gifted to Burnell children. This house symbolises so many significant facts. First of all, it is the symbol of upper class people who are rich like Burnell. All the descriptions of the dolls house described in the story  is related to the the rich people. The house with chimney, red carpet floor, walls with framed picture, red plush chair  in drawing room, in dining room, tables ,beds with  clothes, cradle, decorated kitchen all these indicate the royalness.

                        Also we come to know that the doll's house is so big that it cannot be put inside the house so it is kept on the yard. It suggests that poor people like Kelveys cannot afford such type of doll's house. So this house symbolically indicates the conflict between rich people and poor people. The external facts of the house like its beauty, appearance, paints looks all represent the the richness, social position, wealth and fame of Burnell. Small lamp on the the dining table in that doll's house has also significant symbolic meaning. That simple lamp in this Royal dolls house symbolises the soul , quality of human being. It also represents the hope, joy for the poor people and children like Kelveys. So  through the presentation of a a doll's house,  writer Katherine Mansfield has able to present the the social conflict between rich and poor.