The Editor,
The Telegraph,
I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the columns of your highly esteemed daily so that I may ventilate my opinion to draw the attention of the concerned authority about the problem of eve-teasing.
Teasing girls and harassing women had been a major problem since long in our country. Eve-teasing means depressing, pinched, nudging, pushing and insulting a girl in public places like crowded bus, market, roads. When the girls go out at the roads for their personal reason, it is very often seen that they're chased and commented upon. Basically, younger unemployed boys having to do, indulge within the practice of eve teasing. Younger loafer boys of reckless manners are seen to elevate their fangs and desperately tease the innocent passersby all of the time. The gang of desperadoes acquire before the gates of the women' college and make obscene gestures and sing lecherous songs pointing closer to the girls. The younger lads whistle and phone after them, try and choose up a communique, make indecent comments. The psychological outcomes are regularly devastating. The younger women sense shaky to attend their faculty or working place. Many of the sufferers even devote suicide and people who dare to raise their voices locate themselves humiliated.
I, as a responsible citizen of this society, in view of all these, think that the due authority should take necessary steps as early as possible to solve this problem, otherwise the public grievance may, at any time, lead to a dire consequence.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sangeeta Mondal
Dated Nadia,
The 27th April,2013.