The Headmaster,
Nrisinghapur High School,
Nrisinghapur, Nadia.
Sub: Requesting for online classes to complete the syllabus
With due respect I, Baishakhi Barik, a student of Class- XII (Sec- A, Roll- 25) of your school, on behalf of all the students of our class, beg to state that we are facing a great problem in completing our syllabus and learning the lessons properly. We all know that to stop the alarming spread of COVID- 19, our government has issued order to close all institutions until Corona vaccine is invented and there is no possibility of reopening schools soon. So, a major part of our syllabus in all the subjects is yet to be completed. Besides the final exam is knocking at the doors and we need to finish the syllabuses very immediately so that we get adequate time to also revise it thoroughly. After that we also have to solve the questions given in different question banks and test papers.
I, therefore, request you to kindly make arrangements for introducing online classes as soon as possible for the benefit of the students.
Yours faithfully,
Baishakhi Barik
Class- XII, Sec-A, Roll- 25