Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Short Questions on Jimmy Valentine by O' Henry

1. Who is the writer of the story Jimmy Valentine?
👉 O’ Henry is the writer of the story Jimmy Valentine.

2. What is the full name of O’ Henry?
👉 The Full name of O’ Henry is William Sydney Porter.

3. Who came to the prison shoe shop? What was his name?
👉 A guard came to the prison shoe shop. His name was Cronin.

4. Who handed Jimmy his pardon?
👉 Warden handed Jimmy his pardon.

5. Who pardoned Jimmy?
👉 The governor pardoned Jimmy.

6. How long did Jimmy spend in the jail? For how many days was Jimmy Sentenced?
👉  Jimmy spent in Jail for 10 months. He was sentenced for 4 years.

7. What did warden advise the Jimmy?
👉 Warden advised Jimmy to leave his burglary life and lead a simple and straight life.

8. Why was Jimmy Sentenced?
👉 Jimmy was sentenced for his burglary case in Springfield.

9. “I never was in Springfield in my life!”—Who said this and to whom? When did the speaker say this?
👉 Jimmy said this to the warden. When warden advised jimmy to leave criminal life like burglary in Springfield, Jimmy said this.

10. How was Jimmy dressed when he was released from jail?
👉 When Jimmy was released from jail, He had on a suit of the villainously fitting, readymade clothes and a pair of the stiff, squeaky shoes.

11. What did the clerk of Jail give jimmy? What did the warden give Jimmy?
👉 The clerk gave Jimmy a railway ticket and the five-dollar bill. The warden gave Jimmy a cigar.

12. Why did the jail authority furnish Jimmy five-dollar while releasing him?
👉 The jail authority furnished Jimmy five-dollar bill while releasing him because the law expected that Jimmy might rehabilitate himself with them.

13. What was Jimmy’s convict number?
👉  Jimmy’s convict number was 9762.

14. What was Jimmy’s full name?
👉  James Valentine was Jimmy’s full name.

15. Where did Jimmy go at first after getting released from jail?
👉 After getting released from jail, Jimmy went straight to a restaurant and took the first joy of liberty in broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine-followed by a cigar.

16. Who was Mike?
👉  Mike was Jimmy’s old friend and Jimmy lived on the upper storey of Mike’s café.

17. Why did Mike ask for forgiveness from Jimmy?
👉  Mike asked for forgiveness from Jimmy because Mike could not make arrangement early to make Jimmy released from Jail.

18. What was on the floor of Jimmy’s room?
👉 In Jimmy’s room, there was a collar button of detective Ben Price’s shirt band. It was torn when they tried to arrest him.

19. From where did Jimmy pull out his suitcase?
👉  From a panel in the wall of Jimmy’s house, Jimmy pulled out his suitcase.

20. What were in the suitcase?
👉  There were drills, punches, braces and bits, jimmies, clamps, and augers in the suitcase.

21. How did Jimmy look at the suitcase and why?
👉 Jimmy looked at the suitcase affectionately because he loved it very much and he was detached from it for a long time.

22. How much did the burglary tools cost to make?
👉  The burglary tools cost Over nine hundred dollars to make.

23. How was Jimmy dressed when he came out with his suitcase?
👉  When Jimmy came out with his suitcase, he was dressed in tasteful and well-fitting clothes.

24. "Got anything on?"—Who said this and to whom? How did the addressee react to it?
👉 Mike Dolan said this to Jimmy Valentine. To it, Jimmy was puzzled and he announced that he was the representative of the New York Amalgamated Short Snap Biscuit Cracker and Frazzled Wheat Company

25. Where did Jimmy perform burglaries after the release from jail?
👉  After the release from jail, Jimmy performed burglaries in Richmond, Indiana, Logansport, and Jefferson City.

26. Who was engaged to catch Jimmy?
👉 Eminent detective was engaged to catch Jimmy.

27. Why was Ben sure that Jimmy committed the burglaries?
👉  Noticing the similarities in the process of burglaries, Ben was sure that Jimmy committed the burglaries.

28. What did Ben Know about Jimmy?
👉  From past experience, Ben knew that Jimmy drilled only one hole in safe. Besides, Jimmy had qualities like Long jumps, quick get-away, no confederates, and a taste for good society.

29. What made Jimmy a successful burglar?
👉  Jimmy had qualities like Long jumps, quick get-away, no confederates, and a taste for good society. It made Jimmy a successful burglar.


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