Saturday, December 28, 2019

Question and Answer of The Eyes Have It by Ruskin Bond

4. Write down how the blind gild registered a spell on (impressed) narrator’s mind.
How did the narrator feel in getting the company of the girl?
“But it would stay with me for the rest of the journey”—Whose feeling was it? Why did the speaker feel so?

Answer:       Here in the story The Eyes Have It, the narrator felt so. 

                   The narrator who was a blind man, was very much impressed by his girl co-passenger. With his four senses, what the narrator felt about the girl, seemed charming and attractive. Her voice, laughter, even the sound of her slippers seemed unique and melodious. To him, what began just as a liking, gradually turned into infatuation. Then to impress her, he began to flatter her saying that her face was interesting. While talking over various matters, he slowly was being captivated more and more by her. At last when she got up to get off the train, the narrator stretched his arm to touch her hair, but she moved away. Just there the scent of her sweet perfume existed. The girl left such an impression on him that the brief encounter with that girl would remain in his heart for a long time. 


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